The Guildford Dragon is the town’s online newspaper and we are lucky to have it. It has been reporting on local issues since 2012. Founded by David Rose, former editor of the Surrey Advertiser and Martin Giles a former reporter it is a wonderful chronicle of modern history, a valuable source of local history and,…
Category: Heritage Groups

Guildford Town Guides
Visit the Guildford Town Guides website The Guildford Town Guides were originally established over 30 years ago. In 1984 Matthew Alexander, Curator of Guildford Museum, started a series of courses on Guildford History. The courses were supplemented by a set of notes on various Guildford topics. At the end of the course, Matthew suggested forming…

The Guildford Society
Visit The Guildford Society website At the vanguard of preserving the town has been the Guildford Society. Nothing illustrates this better than the presence of Lloyds Bank in Guildford High Street. The historic frontage supports the banks image and adds to the High Street and the story behind its survival is a good one. The…

Friends of Guildford Museum
Visit the Friends of Guildford Museum website In 1994 Matthew Alexander, Curator of Guildford Museum, brought together several museum supporters with the aim of forming a Friends of the Museum. In the late 1980s and early 1990s the concept of friends organisations to fundraise for museums gathered steam across the country. After a bit of…

Surrey Archaeological Society
View the Surrey Archaeological Society website Almost 50% of the collections in Guildford Museum belong to the Surrey Archaeological Society, which founded the museum in 1898. Today we think of archaeology in terms of excavations but the Victorians took a broader view. The collections of the Surrey Archaeological Society contain not only Prehistoric, Roman and…