- Developer: Solem
- Homes 438
- Also retail, new booking hall, car parking
- Planning Application: 14/P/02168
- Approved: February 2018 (On appeal to Planning Inspectorate)
The £150 million, 10-storey scheme was approved on appeal by the planning inspectorate in January 2018 despite objections from local residents and Guildford Borough Council. The Solum scheme will deliver a new station building, 438 new homes, office space and a station plaza containing retail.The plans were initially rejected by Guildford Borough Council ‘s planning committee and opponents of the scheme branded it “The Great Wall of Guildford” and “Stalinist” .
However, following a six-day public inquiry last November the Planning Inspectorate announced on January 22 it had overturned the committee’s decision .
Established in July 2008, Solum is a partnership between Network Rail and Kier Property, formed to attract private investment into the rail network. Solum Regeneration (Guildford) LLP (SRG) has been formed specifically to deliver the Guildford Station project .
The Guildford Station proposals were originally the subject of a full planning application (ref: 14/P/02168)
submitted in November 2014 which was refused planning permission at the Guildford BC (GBC) Planning Committee on 29th June 2016, principally on heritage and design grounds. SRG subsequently lodged an appeal against this refusal in October 2016 and following a public inquiry in November 2017 this appeal was allowed on 27th February 2018 (ref: APP/Y3615/W/16/3161412).